What is motion in science?

What is motion in science? So friends, we are telling the simple answer below. This will give you a complete understanding of what is motion in science. So let’s know.

Whatever we are seeing, such as houses, trees, plants, hills, mountains etc. are all stable. Why they do not change their place even after all the time has passed. They remain fixed forever where they are fixed.

But we all see bus, truck, car moving on the way, water flowing in pond, water flowing in waterfall, fish swimming in water, birds flying in sky etc. So all of these are called dynamic. Because all of them are changing their place according to the time.

But there is also a question here, what is the location of the object? So let’s know.

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What is the location of the object?

The location of the object means the distance of the object from us in any one direction. Here we have to assume that we are stable.

If we want to know the speed of any object, then to know the speed, we will estimate how far the object is from us and in which direction it is. If the same direction and distance do not change with time, then the object is at rest and if either direction or distance changes, then it is in motion.

Relative Stability –

We want to discuss about the motion of any object, then we will take a stationary object as an example. For example, to see the movement of any object in the surface of the earth, the surface of the earth will be considered stable.

But we know that the earth is moving in a certain orbit around the sun. That’s why everything present in the earth along with us, houses, trees, plants, mountains etc. are all dynamic.

As long as we do not move, the distance and direction between all these objects and us will not change. That’s why all these things seem stable to us.

Hence such stability of the object is call relative stability. If an object moves from or towards such a relative stationary object, then the motion of that object is call relative motion.

Therefore both the stability or speed of the cable is relative. For example, when traveling in a train, all of you must have seen that the passenger or any object traveling in the train does not show that the train is moving. But when you look out the window, you will know whether the train is moving or not.

In this case, just as the stability of each passenger is relative, so is the speed. Due to the absence of Absolute Rest object in the whole world, the stability and speed of the object will always be relative.

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